Tutorial: Counting stuff

Counting stuff

So you want to keep track of your page views? Then you might want to use a counter in Redis.

redis-metrics provides a simple counter through the TimestampedCounter class. The counter object currently has two main functionalities:

  • Incrementing the counter
  • Reporting the count

This is really simple, but we are not trying to re-invent the wheel here, just make it a bit rounder. Besides basic counting, the TimestampedCounter offers a bit more functionality... some extra sugar if you will. Let's take a look.

  1. Creating a counter
  2. Incrementing a counter
  3. Fetching a count
  4. Fetching a count for a time range
  5. Using an event object
  6. Top N for event objects
  7. Using promises

Creating a counter

Usually, a counter is created with the RedisMetrics#counter function. Let's start by creating a counter that is capable of reporting counts with a time granularity of one hour:

const RedisMetrics = require('redis-metrics');
const metrics = new RedisMetrics();
const myCounter = metrics.counter('pageview', {
  timeGranularity: 'hour',
  expireKeys: true

Here, we are passing an options object explicitly to the counter. This is useful when we want different settings for different counters. We can also specify some default counter settings on the metrics module itself:

const RedisMetrics = require('redis-metrics');
const metrics = new RedisMetrics({
  counterOptions: {
    timeGranularity: 'hour',
    expireKeys: true

// Will use the counterOptions object because no options are provided.
const myCounter = metrics.counter('pageview');

Incrementing a counter

The counter can be incremented in two ways, using incr or incrby:

// Increment by 1
myCounter.incr((err, result) => {

// Increment by 5
myCounter.incrby(5, (err, result) => {

The err and result parameters contain the answer from Redis.

This looks and feels as if we are incrementing a normal Redis counter. Behind the scenes, that is exactly what is happening but with a slight twist. Since we have chosen a time granularity of an hour, more than one counter is being incremented for various timestamps. This does give some extra overhead, but it makes it very easy and fast to retrieve a count for a specific period.

Fetching a count

Since our counter has a time granularity of an hour, we can now answer questions such as: "How many page views do I have so far today?" and "How many page views do I have so far this hour?":

// Number of page views today.
myCounter.count('day', (err, result) => {

// Number of page views this hour.
myCounter.count('hour', (err, result) => {

Of course, we can also get the total number of page views:

// Number of page views in total.
myCounter.count((err, result) => {

In all of the above methods result is single integer.

Fetching a count for a time range

Fetching a single count for the current time is useful, but often it makes sense to view metrics over a period of time. Let's ask the counter "What is my page view count for the last 24 hours until now?" using the countRange function:

// Moment is nice and easy for dates so we'll just use that here.
const moment = require('moment');
const yesterday = moment().subtract(24, 'hours');

// No end time specified so use the current time will be used.
myCounter.countRange('hour', yesterday, (err, result) => {

// Use explicit end time.
const now = moment();
myCounter.countRange('hour', yesterday, now, (err, result) => {

The start and end parameters can be anything that that the moment(...) constructor understands.

When requesting a time range, result is an object with ISO-formatted timestamps as keys and the count for each timestamp as the values. For the above query, result could thus be:

  '2015-04-15T11:00:00+00:00': 788,
  '2015-04-15T12:00:00+00:00': 237,
  '2015-04-16T10:00:00+00:00': 519,
  '2015-04-16T11:00:00+00:00': 231

Warning: The timestamps are always UTC.

Using an event object

For many use cases, it makes sense to track an event in a more specific context. For example, you might want to track the individual page views of specific pages in your app such as "/about" and "/contact". You could create separate counters for each of these pages, but for this specific use case, you might want to use "event objects".

Using the feature is easy and best shown by example. We can use the same page view counter from before:

// Increment the page view counter for the event object "/contact".
myCounter.incr('/contact', (err, result) => {

// Increment the page view counter for the event object "/about".
myCounter.incr('/about', (err, result) => {

When using an event object, internally in Redis the event objects are incremented in a sorted set on the given key. After calling the two operations above, we will thus have a Redis key called "pageview" which contains a sorted set with "/about" and "/contact". Reporting a count for an event object is similar to before:

// Number of page views today for about page
myCounter.count('day', '/about', (err, result) => {

// Number of page views this hour for the contact page
myCounter.count('hour', '/contact', (err, result) => {

Time ranges work as well for event objects. For example, I have this question "Show me the page view count for the last 24 hours for the /about page" and here is the answer:

// Moment is nice and easy for dates so we'll just use that here.
const moment = require('moment');
const yesterday = moment().subtract(24, 'hours');
const now = moment();

myCounter.countRange('hour', yesterday, now, '/about', (err, result) => {

The output of the above query is similar to before:

  '2015-04-15T11:00:00+00:00': 12,
  '2015-04-15T12:00:00+00:00': 67,
  '2015-04-16T10:00:00+00:00': 93,
  '2015-04-16T11:00:00+00:00': 32

Warning: When using countRange for event objects, the end date is mandatory.

Top N for event objects

Because event objects are stored in sorted sets, we automatically get some benefits from Redis. For example, it is very easy to get a list of the top 10 visited pages for our counter or even a sorted list of all pages by page count.

This feature is implemented in the top function and here is a simple example of how to use it:

// Increment some counters with events objects as above
myCounter.incrby(5, '/contact')
  .then(() => myCounter.incrby(3, '/about'))
  .then(() => myCounter.top('total', 'desc'))
  .then(topPages => console.log(topPages));

The output for top is an array of the top results, e.g.:

  { '/contact': 5 }
  { '/about': 3 }

Using promises

All functions that have been discussed so far return a native Node Promise. Here are a few examples that are equivalent to the callback versions:

// Increment by 1
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(err => console.error(err));

// Increment by 5
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(err => console.error(err));

// Number of page views today.
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(err => console.error(err));